Ensure beauty and durability to your house front!

Our Exterior Painting services extend further than just aesthetics, creating a resistant barrier that prevents damages and elevates your home’s market value

Durable protection

Utilizing advanced techniques, our Exterior Painting protects your home from external elements. Each coat of paint is a defense against weather

Instant valuation

Our paint is selected considering beauty and durability and because of that, it can elevate your home's market value instantly

Excellence and professionalism

Every detail, every meticulous surface preparation and finishing touch, executed with mastery

Your home deserves a high-quality external presentation

It’s not all about painting, it’s also about protecting your assets. From renovated facades, to durable finishings, each project reflects our professionalism and dedication to satisfy our customers.

Check out some of our transformations:

Commitment, professionalism and passion for transformation: Get to know our story!

With 7 years of experience, Nunes Painting specializes in transforming homes and commercial spaces into vibrant and revitalized places that bring happiness to our customer’s life. 

Each project we carry out is an exclusive opportunity to create unforgettable experiences that go beyond simply applying a coat of paint. That’s why our commitment to customer satisfaction is the key of our business, as it drives us to offer customized solutions for cozy homes and impressive commercial spaces.
Plus, we understand that your home reflects your personality, so we want it to be the way you’ve always dreamed of.

If you live in the West Hartford, CT region, this is your chance to upgrade your painting from a simple decoration to a fully customized home! Join us on this colorful journey, where every tone tells a story and every project turns into a living work of art.

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